My Regimen


My name is Umm Khaliyl aka Curly Ummi and I would like to share my hair regimen. The picture is courtesy of my mother who's hair is the same type as mines.

I BC on 12/2008 because I let someone put a dry curl in my hair to stretch out my curl pattern. I know big mistake and I should have known better from 2002 when I had to cut all my hair off for the same reason lol.

So in searching for how to care for the over all health of my hair I came across co washing and I found that my hair did not like protein. I also needed badly curl enhancing products and a friend told me about Mixed Chicks and we have been  in love every since. So with that being said lets move on to my routine.
My regimen has changed because I am in my last year challenge to make waist length by the end of 2013.
Day Care
Supplements have been added to my regimen. I now take Alive Once Daily for Women 50+, Bamboo extract, a all natural
006DHT blocker which is called NuHair. I am also using a growth oil that I put together from a recipe off the internet and I have a post about it. It is applied every night and then plastic cap is put on over night. Next day I co wash and this process is repeated everyday. I then place my hair in 4 bantu knots to hide my ends so that I can try to retained as much as my length as possible. I will not be wearing my hair out in curls until this challenge is over, I need 7" to make waist length and my overall goal is to make tailbone length at some point. 
After I co wash I do apply a leave in conditioner or one of my rinse out conditioner and then seal with a oil and that is between Argan or Grape seed oil. Then bantu knots are put into place.
OK, let me say that this has changed somewhat. I co wash everyday and wear a wash n go lol. I am back to using olive oil to seal with because it is the best oil for your hair. It really brings my hair alive and makes it shine. I am not going to erase my regi above because I go back and forth between the 2.
Knight Care
The growth oil is only applied to my scalp and massaged in and then bantu knots are put into place and plastic cap is placed over them. My bonnet is put over the plastic cap to keep in more body heat.
I try my best to keep you up to date as to what is going on with me and what has changed or added. When this challenge is over and I have gone back to wearing my hair out I will update again.
Thanks again for reading.


  1. what's a pineapple in this context?

    1. A pineapple is when you gather your hair at the top of your head and put a head band on it kind of loose and let the curls or hair just hang over the front of your hair and it kind of look like the pineapple fruit.

      My blog has moved to that is why this one is not updated.
