Wednesday, August 1, 2012



Hey all, I wanted to announce the very first give away. I want to celebrate the new domain name. is official. So I have 2 bottles of Vitika Oil to give away. I want to be able to do more as time goes on. Vitika Oil was asked about yesterday and I thought it would be a nice oil to use as the first product. Every one likes this oil and it really works nice with most hair.

So this is how I would like you to enter, please first follow this blog and comment on this post telling me you want in and how the oil works on your hair at the end of the comment state you're a follower. Two winners will be chosen to receive the Vatika Oil and everyone is a winner and will receive something.

This will start August 1st til August 15th.  I do hope you all understand that following means you have to click the Join the Site on the right hand side of the page. 

Ladies love your hair and it will love your back.
As always thanks for reading, peace and love!!!