Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wintery Day For Hair Pampering Say?

Well as the snow cover the cars, trees, houses and sidewalks this is like the best hair day ever. Time to get out all the conditioners and hennas, all the oils and any other rinse you can think of. How about the product that you were holding off to try?

I refreshed a wash n go but now I think I will put in a deep conditioner and sit with the heating cap on. I will use the spray bottle to wet my hair a little and then I will apply moroccan oil  intense hydrating mask. As I

 prepare my hair and wait for the sweet potatoes to cool  down to make sweet potato pies because this is what you do when it snows lol. So I have applied the intense hydrating mask it looks yummy don't it? oh and the smell WOW that is all I can say and when I say it only takes a dime amount I am not lying. My hair feels like butter and I know I have talked about this product back in October but I still have the same jar, thank God because you remember it cost me $30.00. I want to try other products in this line but don't have the money at this time. 
Maybe if I sell more braiding adjustable bracelets   I will make the money lol. 
So now me and my grandson are looking out the window at this but no bother because with my wonderful hair and those delicious sweet potato pies to look forward to we are not sad lol. Oh by the way the mail woman came already and she delivered some more bracelets. If I do say so myself they are nice. 

Love your hair and it will love you back, I mean this has been like the best winter for my hair. I don't know why this simple regi is working so much better that last summer regi where I was plaiting my hair every night and co washing everyday? I still co washing everyday if I feel like it but I don't worry about plaiting my hair anymore. I just put it up in a pineapple and put my sleeping cap on. 

As always thanks for reading, peace and love!!!!!!!!!!!!

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