Saturday, November 12, 2011

Keeping Up with the Jone's

Every since I started my journey I have been trying to figure out what would work for me and how can I get that nice flowy hair down to my butt in a fast way. I jumped on the Mega Tek and jumped on the sulfur band wagon and what I found is neither one of them was for me. My hair does not like protein and to my surprise it doesn't like sulfur. What did all that get me? it got me split ends, rough ends and ends I had to eventually cut off. Which meant I lost length and that was the last thing I was trying to do.

Don't get me wrong I am in no way saying that these things are bad for you, I am saying that they didn't work for me. You need to find out if what everyone else is doing to get the results they are getting with their hair will work for you and I found out that they didn't work for me. And since these set backs I have decided to start with a hair calendar as I may have said already and I will be trimming my ends every 6 months. I am hoping that this works and I don't have to do any cutting before that time. Because of the problems I had with my ends this month I didn't do my henna treatment because I don't want to do too many things while I am getting my hair to heal. Not saying that henna is harming but remember my hair is sensitive to protein and henna can act like a protein treatment.

I remember someone had asked me about why mineral oil and petroleum oil etc. was not good for the hair and I could not remember at that time so I had to pulled my books out to see what was said. Come to find out what one of the problems is that they will not allow the moisture to penetrate the hair. From what I have been reading they are not good at all for our hair.

And as you can see petroleum oil is for your car and it is the first ingredient in grease for your hair. I used the picture of the baby oil just to show you how innocent it can be that we will grab things to put in our hair just because it is made for the baby, so it most be safe right? 

Well just some things that came to my mind while I was waiting to fall back to sleep lol. 
Love your hair and it will love you back.
As always thanks for reading, peace and love!!!!!


  1. Assalamu alaikom, I think many people go a little overboard about the mineral oil thing because I could remember when I was a young girl my mother used to put on hair grease, which had mineral oil in it. My had was long. Down to the middle of my back. She didn't do much to it, but she always used grease. I think some things work for different people. I like castor oil for my hair, but I dislike the Argon Oil because it doesn't moisturize my hair as I would like it to. You're right. Some things work differently for some people hair, but I have never tried any henna for my hair.

  2. Wa alaikum salaam I understand where you are coming from because when I was coming up it was grease and water for my daily regiment. And I think the most important point that I am saying about what they did to my hair was the water than grease. So that means my hair was moisturize before the grease was applied. What I am saying is once you apply that mineral oil on your hair no more moisture is getting to your hair.

    The other important thing I was saying about the grease is that the petroleum was the first ingredient. When you look at a product the first ingredient is what that products is mostly made up of. Petroleum is oil that they put in the engine of your car.
