Saturday, February 25, 2012

What A Sunny Day

Man I wish I could show you the sun that is shinning through this window, it is very beautiful how it bounces off the mirror and green leaves of the plants. The only reason why I end up noticing the sun in the first place is because it was henna day and I was looking at my hair and the light started causing my color to glow. It was something that brought back memories from when I was younger and applied henna to my hair. The only time you could see the color was in the sunlight. No other color has ever caught my heart like henna red. At times I long for my grey, I jump back and forth between the thought of growing the grey out or not but for now henna red it is.

Now lets move on to one of my family members that is working on her healthy natural hair growth. So the start of this month her journal began.

First thing I am about to show you is the problem in her scalp she had for years, she says as long as she could remember this was a problem for her and her siblings. We started off with cutting off her damage hair and decided on the henna treatment beginning with every two weeks.

 The circles are showing some of the red bumps on her scalp. There was a lot of flaking and itching with hair lost. She was sent home with instructions on co-washings and scalp massaging with the oils I sent home. 

Look at her first two weeks!!!

 Can you see how clear her scalp is? She said she could not believe it herself. She wants to see if it will help her brother that has tried everything. Health first, right? Then we will work on length. 

Even though she is the newest of the group I thought at this time she was the most interesting with the biggest problem. I will measure her length next visit which will be in inches because that is about how much is left on her head, LOL.... 

Ladies proof, love your hair and it will love you back!
As always thanks for reading, peace and love!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, so happy for her :)
